Universal Basic Income: A Solution to AI and Unemployment

The artificial intelligence (AI) revolution is here and there is nothing any of us can do about it. Will this global event bring massive unemployment? Humans, for the most part, have built their entire lives around their ability to make a living through work. What will happen when this is gone?

J.C. Scull
7 min readJul 18, 2024

The Problem of AI

What is the potential damage society could experience when robots and artificial intelligence become more widespread? What are the solutions to the problems of unemployment and idleness humans could experience?

Many experts claim we have nothing to worry about, since as some jobs are replaced by automation, others will be created in high-tech industries. Other less optimistic pundits say the rate of job replacement will outstrip job creation. Perhaps it is too early to tell. But it isn’t too early to begin a national dialogue as to what could be some of the possible solutions. This article offers one possibility.

Will Our Jobs Disappear?

Could artificial intelligence and robots trigger mass unemployment and the…



J.C. Scull

I write about culture, international trade, and history. Taught international business at two universities in Beijing, China.