In the U.S. corporations are making record profits. The mega rich as well as large corporations continue to get tax breaks at every turn. It might sound counter intuitive but this is where we have to start here on the other side of the pond. We should raise corporate taxes and make sure the rich pay their fair share of taxes. The extra funds picked up from the tax to these groups need to be invested in the poor and the middle class in the form of money for education, free healthcare to those making less than $100,000 annually, social security investment (pay raises), food subsidies based on annual earnings, lower prepscription drug prices, etc. These benefits in the long run are tantamount to pay raises.
What people are really complaining about is that they are being squeezed economically. However, pay increases are a short term solution. The system needs to change. In reality, making sure the middle class thrives is good for the country as a whole. The reason is simple; the middle class is real economic engine of the country - not the rich or large corporations.
We are having the same fundamental problems the U.K. is facing. You guys have the Tories dismantelling social services and giving tax breaks to the rich. We have the Republicans doing the same. In reality, we both need moderates who look out for everyone equally.